Why Most Fail at Automated Trading

trading mindset Jan 28, 2024

The primary cause of failure in automated trading often stems from unrealistic expectations, which can be classified into the following categories:

1. They expect the software will do all the work.

People will attach their auto-trading software to the charts and expect it to be a money printing machine. Unfortunately, that's just not the case.

To draw a parallel, it's akin to me passing my parachute equipment to someone inexperienced and anticipating them to skydive. Although the parachute is designed to open, lacking proper training means you wouldn't grasp the essential know-how. How to position your body for a controlled descent, when and how to deploy the parachute, handling a situation if it malfunctions, and the proper technique for a safe landing—all these crucial aspects require training and knowledge.

Similar to the parachute, the auto-trading software serves a purpose. However, without proper training on its effective utilisation, the outcome might be less than pleasant.

2. They expect to learn everything immediately.

It’s not uncommon for new students on my course, Automation Trading Mastery, to fly through the videos and expect to know everything in an instant. That is why the course content is now drip fed and released over time – To prevent students rushing ahead.

When you had your very first driving lesson, did you jump straight in the driver’s seat, pop it into first and head straight for the motorway, hitting 70mph? Of course not! Yet the typical expectation on some new students is that they will be fully proficient within weeks.

3. They’ve been successful in other areas of their life and apply the same principles / mindset.

Most of my students have been extremely successful in what they do in other areas of their life. As a result, they believe that by applying the same principles they will yield the same results within automated trading.

I've encountered students who are successful coaches, but surprisingly, they themselves prove to be un-coachable. They failed to take advice and suffered the biggest losses.

If you want advice on how to fix your car, speak with a mechanic. If you want help navigating the markets using automated trading, then speak with someone who is both experienced and more importantly, successful.

You may even be a CEO of a company and turn over billions per year. The markets simply don’t care.

4. They’ve had previous manual trading experience.

Automated trading and manual trading are two completely different disciplines. Just like you may have your driving license and understand the road, it doesn’t mean you can jump on a motorbike without the correct training first.

These ones are probably one of the hardest to work with, because they must UNLEARN what they have learned. And let’s face it. If they were successful and profitable manual traders, they wouldn’t need to trade using automation.

5. They ‘expect’.

At the beginning, students will often use words such as ‘expected’, ‘want’, ‘should’ve’ as if they can control the markets. Their emotions cloud their judgement. Because here’s the reality:

  • The markets don’t care about your wants.
  • The markets don’t care about your needs.
  • The markets don’t care about your desires.
  • The markets don’t care if you are on holiday.
  • The markets don’t care if you are in hospital.
  • The markets don’t care if you’re having a bad day.
  • The markets don’t care if you’ve been successful at X, Y, or Z.

The moment one expects, is often the time they receive an ‘expensive lesson’.

My job as your coach during the 8 weeks spent together is to prepare you as best as possible and teach you the whole end-to-end process so you can mitigate those risks. All in a safe environment, using demo accounts (play money). Because if you can’t apply discipline and the strategies taught within Automation Trading Mastery and turn £10,000 of play money into £20,000, then how and why on Earth would you expect to use real money?

Everything I teach is everything I use myself.

  • There are no carrots dangled to upsell you to the next course.
  • This one course will give you everything you need to become independent.
  • You are the custodian of your own accounts and funds.
  • There’s no MLM involved.
  • The 8-week course is ran every quarter, with a maximum of 10 students.
  • Students receive x1 1 hour live Zoom session per week.
  • There is a 30-day money back guarantee – No questions.

Course fee

In contrast to many others, I'm upfront about my course fee: £1499. Transparency is key, especially if the fee is a crucial factor in your decision-making process. This way, we can save time for both of us.

Want to know more?

To find out more and potentially secure you place on the next course (one held every quarter), please book a 121 discovery call by clicking HERE.


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