Why Most Fail at Automated Trading

trading mindset Jan 28, 2024

The primary cause of failure in automated trading often stems from unrealistic expectations, which can be classified into the following categories:

1. They expect the software will do all the work.

People will attach their auto-trading software to the charts and expect it to be a money printing machine. Unfortunately, that's just not the case.

To draw a parallel, it's akin to me passing my parachute equipment to someone inexperienced and anticipating them to skydive. Although the parachute is designed to open, lacking proper training means you wouldn't grasp the essential know-how. How to position your body for a controlled descent, when and how to deploy the parachute, handling a situation if it malfunctions, and the proper technique for a safe landing—all these crucial aspects require training and knowledge.

Similar to the parachute, the auto-trading software serves a purpose. However, without proper training on its effective utilisation, the outcome might be less than...

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